Legal Services, Reimagined.

At ClearyX, we are striving to revolutionize legal services and provide efficient, tech-forward solutions for some of the most frustrating challenges experienced by legal teams and business leaders, such as contract management, document and process automation. We are pioneers in the legal industry, constantly pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box to provide high quality, cost-effective and customized solutions. Our fully remote team builds on Cleary Gottlieb’s long history of fostering innovation and delivering value to clients, including those of its highly successful eDiscovery team.

Our Solutions

What We Do

While these are some of our solutions, we love to try and help you solve your challenges. We are always happy to discuss our approach, and work with you to determine whether we can support you in other ways.

Contract Review & Analysis (CoRA)

Our fully customized Contract Review and Analysis Solution is designed to help you organize, review and manage your documents and extract key data and obligations from your contracts in a secure, collaborative environment.

Data Analytics

ClearyX Data Analytics transforms the way our clients handle data. If you find yourself manipulating detailed spreadsheets and constantly having to search for specific data or information, we turn data sources from manual, inefficient processes into analytics dashboards.

Document Automation & Analytics

Fast, flexible, and accurate documents created from your templates in record time. ClearyX offers a document automation portal that can swiftly generate accurate documents, ranging from simple NDAs to drafts of complex financing document sets.

Transactional Diligence

ClearyX provides high quality diligence support to legal teams across a wide range of projects, deal types, and industries. We prioritize understanding the specific deliverables required by our clients and are adept at generating comprehensive grids, as well as red flag reports and more detailed memos.

High Volume Transactions Management

ClearyX can manage high-volume document work. This can be anything from ongoing NDAs/confidentiality agreements to document repapering to comply with updated policies or regulations.

Post-Closing Business Integration

At ClearyX, we work to maximize the benefit of our transactional services to our clients by offering post-closing business integration support as an extension of our due diligence services.

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Case Studies

Recent Projects

ClearyX, a leading legal service provider, successfully leveraged its expertise with contract review tool Kira to deliver a review of a high-profile target’s commercial real estate portfolio within an extremely short time window. The high standard of work produced by …
ClearyX managed a multi-faceted diligence project for the divestiture and reorganization of several business units. The team handled a broad range of duties including virtual data room management, document processing, development of a custom client deal portal, the review and …
ClearyX regularly assists clients with buy-side due diligence but for this transaction, our client wanted to gain an overview of the target’s business on a rapid timeline, and in an easily digestible format. Through innovative deal management processes and the …

What Our Clients Are Saying

Advisory Board

Our External Advisory Board was established in 2022 to ensure that our solutions are designed and delivered in a way that closely aligns with our clients’ needs. These Board members are among the most sophisticated consumers of legal services in the world, and we are grateful to be able to work with them and learn from their experience. Their diverse voices are a valuable resource as we build our products and services, and to help us ensure we “walk the talk” of building innovative solutions that create a positive client experience.